Plumbing Horror Story: The New House Flood

When the people say the experience is the best teacher, they dismiss the fact that the experience of others can be a coach with the same skills, and those that don’t come with a massive cost in the end. This principle applies to plumbing matters, where someone else learning the hard way can teach you a valuable lesson from mistakes you don’t make in your home. In this blog, we’ll discuss the significant plumbing disaster and talk about lessons and advice on experience that can be learned from the mistakes of others.

The Story of a Couple

A couple discovered it the hard way when they reached big milestones in their relationship. Christina and Mike just got engaged, so they decided to move in together. They found a beautiful two-bedroom home in a good neighborhood in Asheville. The previous owners assured them that the house was in excellent condition as no one had lived there for some time. This couple didn’t know that the water pipes in the toilet’s sewage system were old and rickety. After a month into their new life, Christina came home one evening only to be greeted with a smelly and flooded house. Toilet pipes burst upstairs causing a huge mess throughout the house.

The entire ground floor of their home submerged in dirty water and a large amount of their furniture damaged from the issue. Even their dining room furniture was impacted due to the dining room being below the burst pipes above. There was damage to the dining room table, the curtains, the rug under the table and even the buffet cabinet!

But thanks to , they ordered new furniture with their insurance damage check and all was made right in their home. A toilet is a mechanical part, and while a few moving parts are involved, the truth is that it will eventually break like anything else. And when that happens, the results can be disastrous for your home and cost you thousands of repairs.

Exploding Toilet

Here is what really happened to the plumbing in the home. You may have heard of the 2014 recall on the toilet part that was particularly prone to failing and sometimes exploding!

Toilet explosions happen a lot more than you might think Sometimes, they occur due to a plumbing problem. That’s right: a plumbing problem can cause your toilet to explode. The toilet tank cracked and then collapsed while the couple was away

The Moral of the Story

The moral of the story we can take away from this experience is simple: Toilets may be simple, but they must be checked periodically to ensure they are still in good working order. A toilet can last up to 30 to 40 years without a problem, but the older you get, the more prone to a problem, so consider replacing old toilets with new, low-flow, water-saving units.

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